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Invest In Your Health


Training by Ben Spiers

“It is health that is real wealth, not pieces of Gold or Silver”

Mahatma Gandhi


Training With Ben Spiers

Thinking about embarking on your own health and fitness journey? Not sure where to turn, which Gym? Which trainer? It can be a daunting and confusing place, when all you want to do is just get some good old fashioned honest advice! Here at Primal Function Performance my aim is to give u just that.

Maybe you’ve been a keen athlete for years and you feel your body is starting to let you know that you’re not 20 anymore? Could be its way of telling you that its time for a shake up? Perhaps condition your body for sport you take part in? Got an event coming up and you want to be at your best? Get to the bottom of that injury that’s been getting you down for years? Or just to try something new?

Let’s GO

Personal Training

How does Personal Training work at Primal Function Performance?

1……Consultation to detail your goals, fitness needs, injuries past and present and how to move you forward in the safest most efficient manner.

2……You will then be asked to do a movement screen, which involves a series of exercises so I can evaluate your posture and range of motion at each joint. This gives me an idea of possible causes with regards to any pain or discomfort the patient may have. Very important in building a safe and effective exercise program.

3……We are now able to build an implement an exercise regime to enhance performance in a sporting environment or just to help you move better in everyday life- lets get training

Training can cover many things to enhance your wellbeing and performance

  • Weight training  
  • Kick boxing
  • Mobility training
  • Agility work
  • Co-ordination
  • Balance
  • Flexibility
  • Generally incorporating all of the above at once when possible.

Real Work. Real Results.


You will still get the same energy, passion and honesty as would seeing me live, so please don’t see it as a poor substitute. It can work for many people for different reasons:

1…Feelings of anxiety and body confidence about entering a gym.

2….Not knowing how to do certain exercises or use different pieces of equipment.

3….Females thinking it’s a male only environment……My advice is pick the right gym, that’s the key.

4…..Mobility, stretching and fascial release techniques to improve range of motion to help with training and recovery.

5… Or simply just to pick my brains or air your concerns on starting an exercise regime.


SportS Massage

The hands-on healing modality, where the tissues of the body are manipulated in many different directions to:

1….Improve blood circulation to enhance recovery.

2….. Increase oxygen and nutrients to the area.

3….Helps eliminate waste products built up from exercise.

4….improves muscle flexibility

5…Reduces pain and tension.


1.. Consultation to get some medical background and try and get an understanding of why your body is letting you down.

2…. Movement screen to see how individual joints move and how they interact with each other.

3….Specific mobilizations to promote normal function in a dysfunctional joint or joints.

4….Sports massage and fascial release to relieve tension, increase tissue extensibility and to restore normal range of motion.

5…Looking at possible causes that could be exacerbating the situation, day to day activities, posture,

Work environment, or the sport you play.

6….Advice on counteracting the problem with ideas on how to manage, reduce and alleviate by doing some homework involving exercises, foam roller’s and trigger point therapy using small balls.




Please call for prices in the mean time heres a few ideas that I hope will help for the ones who think Personal Training is just for the select few. Of course in an ideal world we’d train 3-4 times a week , but sadly time, money work and life commitments can create barriers, but that said be honest with your self …..can u put a price on your physical and mental health as well as your general wellbeing?

Option 1…see me once a week- People say this is a waste of time, I disagree, I give u homework on things you need to work on which in turn can change your mindset and encourage you to take a more active lifestyle.

Option 2….See me once a month- this can work for motivated people who just want me to write them programs to keep them going in the right direction, price will be reflected on how many programs the client requires.

Option 3….See me for a one off to pick my brains or to show you how to do/use things around the gym …. Worked well in the past showing people how to lift weights properly.

Real Work.
  Real Results.

Let’s talk


Nutrition-lets talk it’s a big one!!!!

Realistic ideas and food plans that complement your training that are designed to fit into your busy schedule…….never easy I know but if your reading this you’ve taken the first big step!!!

Please remember, the food we eat plays a huge roll in the way move, function and process our thoughts, as does the fluid we drink and managing our stress levels.

Enjoy your food, make time for it, don’t see it as a chore. If you can read you can cook. So lets learn the about the power of food and how it can help you with your exercise and overall health.

One last thing  if certain foods don’t agree with you, might be an idea to think about dropping them from your diet, bowel health is very important and eating foods you have an allergy to just irritate the gut causing widespread issues, so if you suffer from toilet woes maybe take some positive action. 

Final note

Quality food, hydration and exercise should be at the cornerstone of anyone wishing to make serious change to their health and lifestyle, please don’t underestimate the impact it  can have on every part of your life …….lets make change.

Look forward to chatting……..no matter how minor you think your query is. Take care.

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

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Jakob Filips

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Martin Smith

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Robinson Clarck

A little on me                                                                      

Ive been doing this now for 20 years and I can honestly say I love it more now than when I started. I think I can put that down to seeing someone get stronger, fitter where their body is working for them rather than against them, floating rather than shuffling. From my original training at the very start  in personal training and sports therapy gave me the direction to go and further my education. Over the years ive since added a 2 year diploma with the FA in the treatment and management of sports injuries, 4 years studying osteopathy in oxford and a strength and conditioning qualification. When you have acquired a certain level of knowledge it opens your eyes to how incredible but complex the human body is, which drives me for more knowledge, fuelling my passion for reading and studying, to find out what works and what doesn’t for my clients! One of the most important things for me to take away from University is that  you can have a wealth of knowledge, but if you cant apply in the real world its not a lot of use.

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